
Received Subject Edit Delete
03/03/2025 14:47 Leeds City Council - search fees from 1st April 2025 Edit
04/03/2025 11:56 2025-26 New Search Fees Edit
05/03/2025 10:45 Your Complaint, Compliment or Comment Edit
05/03/2025 11:10 Local Land Charges fee increases from 1 April 2025 Edit
05/03/2025 11:27 Important Update: Temporary Issue with Land Charges Product Edit
05/03/2025 13:03 RE: Important Update: Temporary Issue with Land Charges Product Edit
06/03/2025 9:50 BCP Local Land Charges Submission portal now live Edit
06/03/2025 10:39 MasterGov goes live Edit
06/03/2025 13:16 Oxfordshire Highway Searches 2025/26 ..... Edit
06/03/2025 15:38 Property Search Enquiries - Price increase for Reports Edit